SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 2024 | 5-10pm
It’s that time of year once again! As our beloved earth rapidly approaches another full orbit around the sun, we are still here.
Celebrating. Warring. Loving. Time relentlessly marches on, but we will not let it slip through our grasp.
Bolm residents, Andewsak and Josh House, steep in the boiling waters of time, sifting through the remnants that survive nature’s embrace. Reorganizing chaos and deterioration into a material reminder. A reminder that our lives are temporary, and positioned in space such that they are infinitely important. A reminder to seek magic in the nigredo; finding light to carry forward in time.
As technocracy drones high above the collective mind, we can still look up and see the sky. It is not too late. Look to the stars and the power of nature. Will the human body and spirit guide us toward balance? Or will the mind run wild, lusting over apocalyptic fantasies.
Only time will tell.
Join us on a journey through time, as material deterioration inspires new curated visual creation through sculpture and painting.
In addition to our regular programming, Bolm Arts is excited to celebrate the holidays with a Bolm Art Bazaar curated by Ash Carter. In the neighboring bay 8, we will be hosting an art market of jewelry, ceramics, and paintings featuring additional Bolm artists Stephanie Meyers, Olivia Maaghul, Michelle Rahbar and Thomas Cook alongside many guest artists just in time for last minute Christmas shopping.
Bolm Art Bazaar: Saturday December 7th, 5-10pm
Closing reception: Thursday December 19th 6-9pm
Gallery hours: Saturday and Sunday December 14th and 15th, 12-4pm
Additional gallery visits available by appointment, contact​
5305 Bolm Rd, Bay 9
Austin, TX 78721
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